Category: Violent Crime Reporting

  • BJS Juvenile Crime Report

    The report is here. I encourage you to read the report. I will briefly mention some things I found interesting.

  • The Violent Crime Disinformation Matrix

    When it comes to violent crime, there is what I would call a disinformation matrix. Surprisingly, this matrix is formed unintentionally by pro-gunners, intentionally by anti-gunners, by media coverage, by statistical terminology, and sadly, by an abuse of language. What this disinformation matrix does is prevent an ordinary civilian from truly understanding violent crime risks…

  • Violent Crime and the Victim’s Marital Status

    The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) keeps track of the victim’s marital status. There are several possible values for it: These are mostly self-explanatory. However, an essential point is that “Never married” does not mean single. Another critical item is that this value has no relationship to the offender. It simply is the victim’s marital…

  • UCR 2022 & NIBRS – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.

    I created a PDF document that describes the UCR and NIBRS. Going forward, the NIBRS will be used exclusively for yearly violent crime details.

  • Violence Against Women: The Math

    An excerpt from my book where I look at the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS) from 2015 up to and including 2019 (pre-pandemic). 2.6 Violence Against WomenIt is essential to characterize some differences between the sexes in violent crime victimization: The elephant in the room is: how much injurious…

  • Violent Crime and Mental Illness

    Alex Berenson recently had a substack about a large study showing heavy marijuana usage leads to schizophrenia even when genetic factors were eliminated. Furthermore, this diagnosis significantly impacted young men, at over double the rate of non-marijuana users. One rather disturbing tendency in the substack was that Berenson pointed to schizophrenia as being a leading…