Category: Violent Crime Reporting
NIBRS Reports Coming – A Methodology
I’m currently working with a data scientist on parsing the 2023 NIBRS data and generating reports from that data. Using these reports, I’ll be able to directly compare NIBRS to the NCVS data I have in my book. In some instances, there will be new fields in NIBRS, which I hope sheds light on violent…
LEOKA 2023
In my book, I covered Law Enforcement Officers Killed or Asssaulted (LEOKA). I think now that 2020, 2021, and 2022 have passed, 2023 provides a good opportunity to get back to a certain type of normalcy. However, in talking to many customer-oriented businesses, they report a large increase of rudeness after the pandemic. It is…
Firearm Violence Report
The Rise of Fentanyl & Crystal Meth Arrests
This information comes from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Here is the full report for Methamphetamine, Cocaine, and Other Psychostimulant Offenses in Federal Courts, 2022 Unfortunately, the report seems to emphasize increases/decreases from FY2021 to FY2022 (FY = Fiscal Year). Since 2021 is still a “pandemic” year that suffers from a variety of governmental restrictions…
Criminal Victimization, 2023
“This report presents official estimates of nonfatal criminal victimizations reported and not reported to police from BJS’s [Bureau of Justice Statistics’] National Crime Victimization Survey.” The full report is available here. I encourage everyone to read it. Why? Here is an example: How many violent victimizations in 2023 involved a firearm? Many people would answer…
BJS Juvenile Crime Report
The report is here. I encourage you to read the report. I will briefly mention some things I found interesting.
The Violent Crime Disinformation Matrix
When it comes to violent crime, there is what I would call a disinformation matrix. Surprisingly, this matrix is formed unintentionally by pro-gunners, intentionally by anti-gunners, by media coverage, by statistical terminology, and sadly, by an abuse of language. What this disinformation matrix does is prevent an ordinary civilian from truly understanding violent crime risks…
Violent Crime and the Victim’s Marital Status
The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) keeps track of the victim’s marital status. There are several possible values for it: These are mostly self-explanatory. However, an essential point is that “Never married” does not mean single. Another critical item is that this value has no relationship to the offender. It simply is the victim’s marital…
UCR 2022 & NIBRS – The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
I created a PDF document that describes the UCR and NIBRS. Going forward, the NIBRS will be used exclusively for yearly violent crime details.
Violence Against Women: The Math
An excerpt from my book where I look at the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS) from 2015 up to and including 2019 (pre-pandemic). 2.6 Violence Against WomenIt is essential to characterize some differences between the sexes in violent crime victimization: The elephant in the room is: how much injurious…