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Rape Quiz

1 / 8

Women who are raped seek medical treatment for their injuries approximately how often?

2 / 8

Women who are raped report it to the police approximately how often?

3 / 8

A rapist uses a weapon approximately how often?

4 / 8

A rapist is a stranger to the victim approximately how often?

5 / 8

A rape occurs at a home approximately how often?

6 / 8

A rape victim having a marital status of Divorced is common

7 / 8

A rape victim having a marital status of Married is common

8 / 8

A rape victim having a marital status of “Never Married” is approximately what percentage?

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The Violent Crime Quiz

1 / 17

Statistically, which crimes are considered to be violent crimes:

2 / 17

Murder is what percentage of total violent crime:

3 / 17

Murder victims are typically killed with firearms.

4 / 17

Victims of aggravated assault are usually physically injured.

5 / 17

When a victim is injured in an aggravated assault, firearms are often used.

6 / 17

Victims of robbery are usually physically injured.

7 / 17

Which is the most common weapon used in injurious robberies targeting an individual (as opposed to robbers targeting a bank or convenience store)?

8 / 17

When combined, aggravated assault and robbery make up what percentage of total violent crime.

9 / 17

Rape usually involves a stranger attacking a woman in a public location.

10 / 17

Most women victimized by rape seek medical treatment.

11 / 17

Most women victimized by rape do not report the crime to the police.

12 / 17

What is the most common weapon an offender uses in rape?

13 / 17

Domestic violence is a component of injurious aggravated assault. The marital status of “Married” is the most common marital status for injurious aggravated assault.

14 / 17

Aggravated assault is the most common violent crime.

15 / 17

When a victim of aggravated assault is injured, the offender is usually a stranger, it happens in a public location, and the victim is usually male.

16 / 17

When a victim of aggravated assault is not injured, the offender is usually a stranger, it happens in a public location, and the victim is usually male

17 / 17

To be classified as an aggravated assault, the offender must have a weapon.

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The Defensive Gun Use Quiz

1 / 8

Based on 2021 National Firearm Survey, how many civilian defensive gun uses (DGUs) occur per year? In this quiz, a defensive gun use means that a criminal victimization was averted because the potential victim had a firearm. It doesn’t matter if the firearm was discharged or not.

2 / 8

Where do most DGUs occur?

3 / 8

In most DGUs, the potential victim had to discharge their firearm.

4 / 8

In DGUs, the firearm was discussed but not shown to the offender at what percentage?

5 / 8

DGU statistics include potential victims defending themselves against non-human animal attacks.

6 / 8

In civilian DGUs reported in magazines, how often does the civilian have to reload?

7 / 8

Based upon civilian DGUs reported in magazines, when a defender shoots an offender, how far away was the offender?

8 / 8

Based on civilian DGUs reported in magazines, how many shots are typically fired by the defender?

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Firearm Facts Quiz

1 / 7

Around 75 percent of firearm suicide victims are under 18 years of age.

2 / 7

Around 25 percent of firearm suicide victims are 65 years or older.

3 / 7

Around 75 percent of firearm suicide victims are 35 years or older.

4 / 7

The CDC indicates that 132 people die of firearm injuries each day. On average, how many people die in the US each day?

5 / 7

Firearms are in the CDC’s top 5 leading causes of death between 1-44 years olds.

6 / 7

Cancer and heart disease are in the CDC’s top 5 leading causes of death for 1-44 year olds.

7 / 7

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) total the number of firearm deaths in the country. Of that total, how many firearm deaths each year are due to suicide?

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