Identification Location on Long Road Trips

In this post, I discussed how I keep my identification separate from my wallet. Specifically, I’ll keep my identification inside an armband high on my arm (summer) or my wrist (winter, with long-sleeve shirts).

I’ve learned that when I’m in the car for long periods of traveling, the armband can get uncomfortable. There seems to be an easy solution: just put the armband in the vehicle within easy reach. The problem with this approach is that it is easy to forget your armband in the car. Since I also have a backup car key in my armband, there could be a call to AAA if I leave my primary car keys in the car too.

One adjustment I made that works well for the cars I drive is putting my armband around the shifter for the automatic transmission (NOTE: this approach may not work as well for a stick shift). Using this approach, I feel the armband when I put the car in Park, and it serves as a reminder to take it with me. ]

As I’ve discussed before, if you get pulled over by law enforcement, make sure you are in a safe location, put the car in Park, roll down the windows, shut off the car, and, if applicable, remove the keys from the ignition and place them on the dash. When the law enforcement officer approaches the passenger side window and asks for identification, you should tell him you have it on the shifter. Alternatively, another approach is to remove it from the shifter and place it on the dash before the officer exits the car. Either way, the goal is to have a safe interaction. Remember, the officer doesn’t know you and has to assume you are a bad guy until proven otherwise.



