Open Carry & Public Locations

I gave a few reasons why I do not open carry in my book. However, I wanted to expand on some more reasons you may want to consider before you open carry.

When I see people open carrying in public, it is almost always at the grocery store, and once in a while, I’ll see it at a restaurant. Fundamentally though, the problem with public locations is that strangers are often far too close to you. Much ink has been spilled on the Tueller Drill and how quickly someone without a firearm can close distance on someone with a firearm. Let’s assume that based on your skill set, a distance of 30 feet represents the minimal amount of space you feel you can defend yourself with a firearm from a charging opponent. Quick Question: Are you open carrying in places where a stranger is within 30 feet of you? If so, you may want to concealed carry rather than open carry.

Why? It is important to remember that a firearm is a valuable resource for people who want to do harm. Sometimes, these people are criminals or mentally ill and have been prevented from purchasing a firearm via background checks. Please don’t assume they magically know people with black market connections where they can get whatever firearm they wish. They may decide to get it from you. If these people are frequently inside your rule-of-thumb 30 feet, open carrying may be more like an invitation than a counter-threat.

As an example, assume you were in the parking lot of a grocery store, open carrying, and on your way inside. I stopped you and told you that everyone in the store wanted a gun and was prevented from purchasing one due to background checks. Would you still go into the store?



