• Heart in the Fight

    How much firearm training does an ordinary civilian need? Ask ten instructors, and you’ll probably get ten different answers. Some of them might even say, “You can never get enough training,” yet military boot camps and police academies seem to have figured out the right amount.  One way to determine how much training we need…

  • Risk & Choice

    “Where there is risk, there must be choice.” – by someone I don’t know! There is much to like in this quote. However, we should also try to  promote “street-smart” critical thinking, and a street-smart critical thinker may have some follow-up questions when seeing this quote: Who is responsible for determining risk?Who is responsible for…

  • From My Book: Dedications

    For Mom, whose kindness and love are an inspiration to everyone she meets. She is the definition of a classy lady. This book wouldn’t have been written without her. I am truly blessed to be spending time with her. For my eldest sister Linda, who passed away from cancer complications as the final edits of…

  • Windmill

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