Category: self-defense

  • Memes

    I like memes! For a wide variety of reasons, when I am traveling, I carry a 1911 in condition 3, which means I have to rack the slide to shoot. I’m an ordinary civilian with a normal threat level. I’m mostly concerned to minimize opportunities for negligent discharges and being able to easily separate my…

  • A Popular Topic

    In the March/April 2024 Combat Handguns magazine, we have another article called “What To Say To The Police” by the vetran Massad Ayoob. Ayoob writes great thought provoking articles and his experience provides him great insight. I’ve written about this topic in the past here and here, so I’ll try and focus on a couple…

  • Escalations and Thinking in Bets

    In her book, “Thinking in Bets,” author Annie Duke remarks in the introduction, “Thinking in bets starts with recognizing that there are exactly two things that determine how our lives turn out: the quality of our decisions and luck.” She continues in the chapter LIFE IS POKER, NOT CHESS: “[…] our tendency to equate the…

  • Rape and The Matrix

    The first part of my book is called Perceptions. What I explore in that section is an ordinary civilian’s perceptions of violent crime. It is evident through the social studies data cited that the public’s violent crime perceptions do not follow violent crime statistics. This mismatch should be disconcerting to everyone. What this means is…

  • Keeping Your Identification Separate from Your Wallet

    As discussed in my book, I keep my identification separate from my wallet when I am out and about. Since most Americans keep their wallet in their back pocket, reaching for a wallet can be dangerous when stopped by law enforcement, as many people carry weapons in that vicinity. I carry my identification in an…

  • Form 4473 Changes

    There were some not-so-recent changes to Form 4473 that I’m finally getting around to discussing. Here is an excellent summary of the changes. My concern is questions 21.b and 21.c. Here are the actual questions from the source: “Do you intend to purchase or acquire any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s),…

  • What If….

    You are the operations manager of a firearms training facility that caters to the concealed carry market. Business is slow. Your marketing director says that to improve business, they are going to offer the following program: If you do your training, practice, and refresher, the training facility will pay all your legal bills if you…

  • Body Cameras for Concealed Carriers – The Uncomfortable Truth

    If you carry a concealed firearm for protection, you should also wear a body camera and potentially an audio recording device if legally allowed. If you feel uncomfortable wearing recording devices because you might record evidence that can be used against you, you probably shouldn’t be carrying a concealed firearm. The footage you capture can…

  • The Uncomfortable Truths About Civilian Concealed Carry

    After taking many self-defense classes and talking with many concealed carry people, here are my uncomfortable truths. I hate to say it, but the truth hurts. How do I know these uncomfortable truths? Partly via experience but partly just doing some simple math and conservative estimates. First, what we are going to do is estimate…

  • Law Enforcement & Military Influence on Civilian Self-Defense Training: Good or Bad?

    This influence is much appreciated if you are a civilian with a different threat level than ordinary civilians, such as a retired judge, state prosecutor, bodyguard, or bouncer. You can access some of the world’s best deadly force combat training without joining the military or becoming a law enforcement officer. However, if you are an…